Sunday, October 15, 2023


God doesn't punish people for their lack of knowledge, but rather for their refusal to believe in what they already know. It's a concept that demonstrates God's divine justice. Romans 1:18-23 sheds light on this.

According to this passage, every single person has a deep-rooted knowledge of God. It's not something that can be easily dismissed or ignored. This knowledge is embedded within us through the wonders of creation, the whispers of our conscience, and the awe-inspiring beauty of nature. It's a knowledge that cannot be denied.

Yet, despite this inherent understanding, many choose to suppress the truth. They turn a blind eye to the evidence that surrounds them, refusing to acknowledge the existence of God. It's a deliberate act of denial, a conscious decision to reject what they know deep down to be true.

According to Romans 1:20 these individuals are without excuse. They cannot claim ignorance or plead innocence. They have been given the gift of knowledge, and they have chosen to bury it beneath layers of disbelief. It's a sobering realization, one that forces us to confront the consequences of our choices.

But what about the person on the island who never heard of Jesus as the Messiah, the only way to God, the Savior of the world who gives eternal life?

I firmly believe that those who genuinely seek God, who earnestly pursue Him based on the evidence they find within their hearts, will not be left in the dark (Jeremiah 29:13). They will hear from God, and He will reveal Jesus to them in ways that are personal and profound.  Just look at the Muslim world and the miraculous transformations in recent years, that have taken place through dreams.

God gives everyone a chance to find Him. And that should ignite a fire within us to seek God with all our hearts, to embrace the knowledge we have been given, and to open ourselves up to the heavenly revelation of Jesus Christ. In doing so, we will find a deeper connection with God and an unshakable faith.

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