Thursday, May 9, 2019


That's a funny title. It sounds like a cheesy rock song from the eighties.
But isn't it true. We are born, we develop patterns and we grow into something we eventually accept and become. Then we live our lives just as we are and find comfort in the idea that God made us this way. The excuse for ignoring our spiritual compass is: "I'm only human"

But when Jesus came into the picture He completely radicalized our ideas about who we are. He basically pointed out that if we rely on our human nature, we were born to lose. The world we were born into is a world ruled by sin and corruption and it only produces sin and corruption.  What Jesus said was so radical that even Christians sometimes have a hard time applying this truth. Jesus said that in order to follow Him and have eternal life, we must deny ourselves (die to ourselves), take up our own cross (Mark 8:34) and be born again (John 3:3).
Jesus' words are so radical that people either can't fathom what He is saying or when they do they just walk away because they don't want to give up themselves. 

Free will is a good thing but the consequences of wrong choices are devastating. The self was never meant to be its own god.

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